Pimped-out autos by Carbon_Copy, pgl11 and
bbllplaya1111 |
"Pimp My Garage", by ADePSP and vettefan88, is now available for download at CheatSync's website. "Pimp My Garage" lets you alter the appearance of vehicles and modify many of it's properties.
"Today i'm proud to finaly release Pimp My Garage to the world as a little extra Easter egg for everyone to enjoy over the holiday period...
You can now start pimping out cars to your hearts content... Not a bad way to spend the Easter break eh...
There are even a few extra features in this release that not even the beta testers knew about including Custom Colours, More Traction Settings and the illusive Damage Multiplier...
If all this isn't enough for you Vettefan has also released a garage of THREE new cars that have already been added to CheatSync so don't forget to check them out too..." |
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