Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Fashion Preview

Posted by adamcs at 16:32. Category: General

This week IGN tell us about the outfits available in GTA: Liberty City Stories. Here is a quick summary of the preview:

Sometimes you may need a certain outfit to complete a mission, but the rest of the time Toni can dress as he pleases. You can also unlock new outfits as you progress through the storyline.

  • Casual - This is the outfit Toni is given at the start of the game. You must wear these clothes in order to keep a low profile.
  • Leone Suit - CJ had to respect his homies by wearing green, now Toni must respect the mob by dressing smart. This suit is likely to grab the attention of rival gangs, so if you're trying to keep a low profile I suggest you stay clear of this one. Hand-made silk, tailored in Portland.
  • Goodfellas - This is the one to go for if you are looking to grab the attention of the ladies. Toni's mother isn't mpressed by this outfit - she'd rather he dressed like his father used to.
  • Antonio - This outfit is named after Toni's proper name, "Antonio". Only his mother calls him this. Casual white t-shirt and jeans.
  • Sweats - Looking to drop some pounds? Grab one of these outfits and start exercising.

Related Links: IGN Preview, 5 New Screenshots

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